Spiritual Healing Session
During the in-person or Zoom session, you will receive many blessings, and energetic blocks will be removed from your energy field. You will feel lighter as these blocks, spiritual attachments, and heavy energies are removed. The spiritual causes of physical pain and illness are removed to restore wellness and well-being. Your chakras will be cleansed and balanced. Age-of-cause trauma and negative emotions are removed.
You will feel grounded with the blessings you receive. You will receive spiritual fire cleansing that cuts negative energetic cords. Spiritual darkness, curses/hexes/witchcraft, heavy energy, and spiritual attachments will be removed from your aura. Negative patterns of thought, habits, relationships will be healed. Your subconscious and conscious mind will be aligned with your higher-self.
After the Session, you have been cleared of blocks that were holding you back on your path and you will feel a sense of freedom and flow moving forward into your future. You will feel lighter and more vitality flowing. The session helps to increase your magnetism and to help you shine more brightly. You will also sleep more deeply, have more peace, and a sense of feeling grounded.
Traditional Shamanic Healing Deep Cleanse Session
The Shamanic Healing Deep Cleanse Session is an intensive clearing and cleansing session and is only offered in the Summer months as this session is performed outdoor under a canopy for sun protection. I also offer a remote version of this shamanic healing. The Spirit of Nature enhances this session as blessed healing herbs, plants, flowers and other elements are applied to your body. You will lay on your back on the massage table on top of a bed of blessed healing plants, flowers, and herbs. I also refer to this as a "wet healing" since I will be applying honey, lemon, and blended corn on your skin on top of which herbs and flowers will be applied. For this reason, please wear a bathing suit or shorts and a tank top. This process draws out blocks and age of cause trauma deep within your energy field and cleanses your chakras. This session is similar to drawing out a splinter deeply embedded in the skin, and you will feel less inflammation in the subtle levels of your energy field, and you may even feel physically less inflamed as so much is released on the spiritual and physical level.
Property Energy Cleansing & Magnetic Grid Balancing | "Spiritual Feng-Shui, God'sWay"
Frankincense and my Sacred Shamanic Healing tools are used to cleanse the property by removing stagnant, heavy energy in the first step of this process. All mirrors and electronics are cleansed, blessed and sealed with light. If there is a spirit, it will be removed with unconditional love to go to dimension it belongs to. This is a beautiful experience for that spirit as it is liberated to move on in its spiritual evolution. Any negative ET interference will also be removed and your space will be sealed with the golden light of Yeshua.
Then, the magnetic grid lines of the property are balanced to bring peace and prosperity, and whatever intention you have for the property without disrupting neighboring units or property lines. When your environment is cleansed and flowing energetically, then you can thrive along with any other people who are connected to the purpose of the property, whether it be a home or work environment.
This service is available in-person where I come to your home or business, and I have been anointed to offer the cleansing and magnetic grid rebalancing remotely with the same benefits as the in-person service.
Soul Support Coaching Session
Soul Support Coaching reinforces the positive changes in your persona from the Spiritual Energy Healing, and the new habits and mindsets you have manifested through your free-will. Soul Support Coaching provides guidance as you accelerate your growth, and helps you to navigate through challenges and obstacles that may arise as you release what doesn't serve you and as your patterns change to reflect your truth, your higher-self, and purpose.
Remote: Spiritual Healing
The Remote Healing can be offered as a beautiful gift for someone else in your life or for a beloved pet. Only positive intent and blessings are offered to the individual or pet receiving the remote session. A picture with the full birth name, location, and birthdate is useful to me when providing this Remote Spiritual Healing, but is not a requirement.